Author's note: I'm going to have to raise the rating on this fic to 'R' sometime in the future. Kinda gives a hint as to where this thing is going...
Chapter 4: Without a Trace
It could be the coldest sight in the world, looking in the mirror and looking straight into the eyes of a stranger. Worse, when it was a dead stranger. Then, not so strange. Long dead. May he rest in peace beside...
He saw Cho Gonou. In the mirror. Staring back. /That/ dead past. With the longer hair and two good eyes. Without the scar. Just smooth, sweat drenched skin. No blood. Pristine.
Without the traces of murder...
"You never die, do you?" asked Hakkai dumbly to the looking glass before turning on the water and getting in the shower.
It felt different, to wake up and have all your sins washed away with the body that committed them...
"You're going to die, Tenpou. Accept at least that much."
"Doom-sayer." snapped Tenpou back at the Goddess of Mercy as her image wavered in the inn's bedroom mirror.
Explained and analyzed forwards and backwards, he heard. Though refused to understand. And the only thing he knew to do was curse Litouten to the depths of hell- wherever he was now. Whenever it was...
"I will not die." he concluded with recalcitrance, but Kanzeon sensed that hint of doubt that tainted his voice. /I will not.../