"What's done is done."
...and the queen stopped her chant, turned towards the two men, and opened her eyes...black and blue and gold whirlpools; tantalizing and seductive...they pulled...tugged at their minds... 'so cold'...they said... 'so tired'...they said... 'so still' the bewitching orbs called out...And Sanzo's body suddenly felt so...so...
"Sanzo!" Tenpou clapped a hand over Sanzo's eyes.
"Tenpou, get off!"
"Don't look at her. She's a...a...gorgon!"
The feeling that was there before was suddenly shattered. Only then did he sense that the fringes of his robe were solid ice. "A what?"
The chanting resumed; this time undulating and less hectic, causing the violent winds around them to cease completely. The air died and an absolute stillness fell down upon them with the shock of thunder.
"A medusa. If you look into her eyes, you'll turn into ice." Tenpou murmured, his eyes squinted shut. "And as pretty as you are, I don't think I want to see you as a statue."
Sanzo pushed him off... "Say that again and die."...but before Tenpou could completely back away, the monk grabbed his wrist. "Stay HERE you idiot!"
"I must say though..." Tenpou continued uneasily. "...having my eyes closed whilst surrounded by enemies is an invitation for a quick execution."
"You think that too?" Sanzo retorted sarcastically, his grip on Tenpou's wrist tightening by the second.