hello? are you there?
你好啊 你在吗?
i never thought i'd see you e back here,不曾想你还会回到这里,
although i’ve long fotten your na,即便你的名字许久前我便已忘记,
failiar feelgs they are not va,这熟悉的感受却不曾离去,
these feelgs bound to the walls,与我联结一起,
sloatchg dissolve,缓缓与我融为一体,
like shadows fade to the glog city lights,似影消解在城市灯火里,
these neon streets are all i know,遍布霓虹的街道已是所有记忆,
this eptess is not alone,这般空无却从不孤寂,
like shadows fade to the glog city lights,似影消解在城市灯火里,
can you leave this pce with ?
bee a fleetg ory,成为一段转瞬即逝的回忆,
and the years will cease to be,过去的终将过去,