wide awake the fever burns浴火重生激情与热血共同燃烧

sweat it out wait y turn汗水竟已滂沱我等待着时来运转

can you hear the drug

there。's a revotion g

all this doubt is creep。' 猜测揣度怀疑争先恐后向我袭来

side out i shed y sk由内而外我已脱胎换骨

can you hear the drug

there。's a revotion g

i been wait。' all y life我用尽我毕生于等待与追寻

to live when i。've only been dreag只有当我徜徉于梦境,我才真正觉醒

get love when i。've only been stealg只有当我苦苦挣扎,我才能得到救赎

can。't let ti keep passg by我不会让时光白白从我身边流过

run dohat i。've always been chasg我会实现我拼尽全力追逐的梦想

bck out every fear i。've been facg我会跨越我曾经惧怕的深渊与羁绊